Saturday, June 30, 2007

Here's Boiling Hot Tar in Your Eye!

He was running like a monkey that was part chicken that was also part Richard Simmons.

Good grief who reads this kind of, Oooooo! Microbial food supplement, my favorite!

There ain't nothing like the feeling of wearing a new pair of knickers after they've been dipped in sulphuric acid.

Be nice, or no mechanical tongue scraping for you!

"This machine is weird. It has all sorts of tubular appendages coming out of it."
"Hmm, the sign says Probe-ulator 3000."
"I get to go first!"

That's enough of that kind of talk. What do you think we are, freaks?
Now back to our lesson.
After you pour the hot ear wax into the molds you insert a stick and you have instant treats for the whole family!

"He had a strange magnetism about him, and he spoke of things beyond this world. He said he had a message that would save humanity."
"Pass the salt, he needs more salt."
"I wonder what he would've told us. Here ya go."

"Probe-ulator, Robin"
"But Batman, I don't even know... well if you say so."


Lord said...

Now that is fine literature right there I don't care who you are.

I tried the probe-ulator 3000 once, it made me feel special!

but wait......

Who is that Joker and what is that appendage sticking out of his.....

Oh cricky Batman the probe-ulator has struck again!

Nevaeh said...

Oh you kill me Brady. I miss your weirdness!!!

Lord said...


The sound of dry bones, skin crawling.....

Batman enters the chamber of probulation.......

Robin: coos like a dove in heat....


End of life.....

Who is to blame????

Eye sockets alive with maggots that thrive on dead flesh, putrid, yellow and green.......


desertgirl said...

Come on, your life can't be that boring! Post more of those things that are swirling 'round in your head!